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Accord.Controls Namespace

Public classAngleBox
Angle Box control.
Public classArrayDataView
Represents a data bondable, customized view of two dimensional array
Public classArrayPropertyDescriptor
Provides an abstraction of array values.
Public classArrayRowView
Represents a row from array view.
Public classChart
Chart control.
Public classColorSequenceCollection
Color sequence for displaying categorical images.
Public classColorSlider
Color slider control.
Public classComponentView
Component visualization control.
Public classConfusionMatrixPropertyDescriptor
Provides an abstraction of the confusion matrix values.
Public classConfusionMatrixRowView
Represents a row from a ConfusionMatrixView.
Public classConfusionMatrixView
Represents a data bondable, customized view of a confusion matrix.
Public classCode exampleDataBarBox
Data Series Box for quickly displaying a form with a time series plot on it in the same spirit as System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.
Public classCode exampleDataGridBox
Data Grid Box for quickly displaying a form with a DataGridView on it in the same spirit as System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.
Public classDataSeriesBox
Data Series Box for quickly displaying a form with a time series plot on it in the same spirit as System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.
Public classDecisionTreeView
Decision Tree (DT) Viewer.
Public classDenavitHartenbergViewer
Denavit Hartenberg Viewer.
Public classExtensions
Extension methods for Windows Forms' controls.
Public classHistogram
Histogram control.
Public classCode exampleHistogramBox
Histogram Box for quickly displaying a form with a histogram on it in the same spirit as System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.
Public classHistogramEventArgs
Arguments of histogram events.
Public classHistogramView
Histogram visualization control.
Public classHuePicker
Hue picker control.
Public classImageBox
Displays images in a similar way to System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.
Public classJoystick
The class provides simple API for enumerating available joysticks and checking their current status.
Public classJoystickDeviceInfo
Information about joystick connected to the system.
Public classJoystickStatus
Class describing current joystick's status.
Public classManipulatorControl
Manipulator control.
Public classManipulatorControlPositionEventArgs
Class, which summarizes arguments of manipulator's position change event.
Public classNumericCollectionEditor
Type editor for numeric collections.
Public classNumericCollectionEditorForm
Numeric collection editor.
Public classPictureBox
Picture box control for displaying an image.
Public classPointBox
Point Box control.
Public classPropertyComparerT
Property comparer.
Public classRangeTypeConverter
Type converter for DoubleRange and IntRange objects.
Public classRowNamePropertyDescriptor
Provides an abstraction for array names.
Public classCode exampleScatterplotBox
Scatter plot Box for quickly displaying a form with a scatter plot on it in the same spirit as System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.
Public classScatterplotView
Scatter plot visualization control.
Public classSliderControl
Slider control.
Public classSortableBindingListT
Sortable binding list.
Public classVideoSourcePlayer
Video source player control.
Public classWavechart
Waveform chart control.
Public classWavechartBox
Wavechart Box.
Public delegateHistogramEventHandler
Delegate for histogram events handlers.
Public delegateManipulatorControlPositionChangedHandler
Delegate used for notification about manipulator's position changes.
Public delegateSliderControlPositionChangedHandler
Delegate used for notification about manipulator's position changes.
Public delegateVideoSourcePlayerNewFrameHandler
Delegate to notify about new frame.