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HiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTDistribution, TObservation Class

Inheritance Hierarchy
  Accord.Statistics.Models.Markov.LearningBaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningHiddenMarkovClassifierTDistribution, TObservation, HiddenMarkovModelTDistribution, TObservation, TDistribution, TObservation
    Accord.Statistics.Models.Markov.LearningHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTDistribution, TObservation

Namespace:  Accord.Statistics.Models.Markov.Learning
Assembly:  Accord.Statistics (in Accord.Statistics.dll) Version: 3.8.0
public class HiddenMarkovClassifierLearning<TDistribution, TObservation> : BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearning<HiddenMarkovClassifier<TDistribution, TObservation>, HiddenMarkovModel<TDistribution, TObservation>, TDistribution, TObservation>
where TDistribution : Object, IDistribution<TObservation>
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Type Parameters


The HiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTDistribution, TObservation type exposes the following members.

Public methodHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTDistribution, TObservation
Creates a new instance of the learning algorithm for a given Markov sequence classifier.
Public methodHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTDistribution, TObservation(HiddenMarkovClassifierTDistribution, TObservation)
Creates a new instance of the learning algorithm for a given Markov sequence classifier.
Public methodHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTDistribution, TObservation(HiddenMarkovClassifierTDistribution, TObservation, ClassifierLearningAlgorithmConfiguration) Obsolete.
Creates a new instance of the learning algorithm for a given Markov sequence classifier using the specified configuration function.
Public propertyAlgorithm Obsolete.
(Inherited from BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation.)
Public propertyClassifier
Gets the classifier being trained by this instance.
(Inherited from BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation.)
Public propertyEmpirical
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the class priors should be estimated from the data, as in an empirical Bayes method.
(Inherited from BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation.)
Public propertyLearner
Gets or sets the configuration function specifying which training algorithm should be used for each of the models in the hidden Markov model set.
(Inherited from BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation.)
Public propertyLogLikelihood
Gets the log-likelihood at the end of the training.
(Inherited from BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation.)
Public propertyParallelOptions
Gets or sets the parallelization options for this algorithm.
(Inherited from BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation.)
Public propertyRejection
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a threshold model should be created or updated after training to support rejection.
(Inherited from BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation.)
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets a cancellation token that can be used to stop the learning algorithm while it is running.
(Inherited from BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation.)
Protected methodCreate
Creates an instance of the model to be learned. Inheritors of this abstract class must define this method so new models can be created from the training data.
(Overrides BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservationCreate(TObservation, Int32, Int32).)
Protected methodCreateThresholdTopology
Creates the state transition topology for the threshold model. This method can be used to help in the implementation of the Threshold abstract method which has to be defined for implementers of this class.
(Inherited from BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodLearn
Learns a model that can map the given inputs to the given outputs.
(Inherited from BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnGenerativeClassModelLearningFinished
Raises the [E:GenerativeClassModelLearningFinished] event.
(Inherited from BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation.)
Protected methodOnGenerativeClassModelLearningStarted
Raises the [E:GenerativeClassModelLearningStarted] event.
(Inherited from BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation.)
Protected methodRunT Obsolete.
Trains each model to recognize each of the output labels.
(Inherited from BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation.)
Public methodThreshold
Creates a new threshold model for the current set of Markov models in this sequence classifier.
(Overrides BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservationThreshold.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodHasMethod
Checks whether an object implements a method with the given name.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodIsEqual
Compares two objects for equality, performing an elementwise comparison if the elements are vectors or matrices.
(Defined by Matrix.)
Public Extension MethodTo(Type)Overloaded.
Converts an object into another type, irrespective of whether the conversion can be done at compile time or not. This can be used to convert generic types to numeric types during runtime.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodToTOverloaded.
Converts an object into another type, irrespective of whether the conversion can be done at compile time or not. This can be used to convert generic types to numeric types during runtime.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)

This class acts as a teacher for classifiers based on arbitrary-density hidden Markov models. The learning algorithm uses a generative approach. It works by training each model in the generative classifier separately.

This can teach models that use any probability distribution. Such arbitrary-density models can be used for any kind of observation values or vectors. When be used whenever the sequence of observations is discrete or can be represented by discrete symbols, such as class labels, integers, and so on. If you need to classify sequences of other entities, such as real numbers, vectors (i.e. multivariate observations), then you can use generic-density hidden Markov models. Those models can be modeled after any kind of probability distribution implementing the IDistribution interface.

For a more thorough explanation on hidden Markov models with practical examples on gesture recognition, please see Sequence Classifiers in C#, Part I: Hidden Markov Models [1].



The following example creates a continuous-density hidden Markov model sequence classifier to recognize two classes of univariate observation sequences.

// Create a Continuous density Hidden Markov Model Sequence Classifier
// to detect a univariate sequence and the same sequence backwards.
double[][] sequences = new double[][]
    new double[] { 0,1,2,3,4 }, // This is the first  sequence with label = 0
    new double[] { 4,3,2,1,0 }, // This is the second sequence with label = 1

// Labels for the sequences
int[] labels = { 0, 1 };

// Creates a sequence classifier containing 2 hidden Markov Models
//  with 2 states and an underlying Normal distribution as density.
var density = new NormalDistribution();
var classifier = new HiddenMarkovClassifier<NormalDistribution, double>(2, new Ergodic(2), density);

// Configure the learning algorithms to train the sequence classifier
var teacher = new HiddenMarkovClassifierLearning<NormalDistribution, double>(classifier)
    // Train each model until the log-likelihood changes less than 0.001
    Learner = modelIndex => new BaumWelchLearning<NormalDistribution, double>(classifier.Models[modelIndex])
        Tolerance = 0.0001,
        Iterations = 0

// Train the sequence classifier using the algorithm
teacher.Learn(sequences, labels);

double logLikelihood = teacher.LogLikelihood;

// Calculate the probability that the given
//  sequences originated from the model
double likelihood1, likelihood2;

// Try to classify the first sequence (output should be 0)
int c1 = classifier.Decide(sequences[0]);
likelihood1 = classifier.Probability(sequences[0]);

// Try to classify the second sequence (output should be 1)
int c2 = classifier.Decide(sequences[1]);
likelihood2 = classifier.Probability(sequences[1]);

The following example creates a continuous-density hidden Markov model sequence classifier to recognize two classes of multivariate sequence of observations. This example uses multivariate Normal distributions as emission densities.

When there is insufficient training data, or one of the variables is constant, the Normal distribution estimation may fail with a "Covariance matrix is not positive-definite". In this case, it is possible to sidestep this issue by specifying a small regularization constant to be added to the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix.

// Create a Continuous density Hidden Markov Model Sequence Classifier
// to detect a multivariate sequence and the same sequence backwards.

double[][][] sequences = new double[][][]
    new double[][]
        // This is the first  sequence with label = 0
        new double[] { 0, 1 },
        new double[] { 1, 2 },
        new double[] { 2, 3 },
        new double[] { 3, 4 },
        new double[] { 4, 5 },

    new double[][]
            // This is the second sequence with label = 1
        new double[] { 4,  3 },
        new double[] { 3,  2 },
        new double[] { 2,  1 },
        new double[] { 1,  0 },
        new double[] { 0, -1 },

// Labels for the sequences
int[] labels = { 0, 1 };

// Initial emission density to be copied to each state
var initialDensity = new MultivariateNormalDistribution(2);

// Creates a sequence classifier containing 2 hidden Markov Models with 2 states
// and an underlying multivariate mixture of Normal distributions as density.
var classifier = new HiddenMarkovClassifier<MultivariateNormalDistribution, double[]>(
    classes: 2, topology: new Forward(2), initial: initialDensity);

// Configure the learning algorithms to train the sequence classifier
var teacher = new HiddenMarkovClassifierLearning<MultivariateNormalDistribution, double[]>(classifier)
    // Train each model until the log-likelihood changes less than 0.0001
    Learner = modelIndex => new BaumWelchLearning<MultivariateNormalDistribution, double[], NormalOptions>(classifier.Models[modelIndex])
        Tolerance = 0.0001,
        Iterations = 0,

        FittingOptions = new NormalOptions()
            Diagonal = true,      // only diagonal covariance matrices
            Regularization = 1e-5 // avoid non-positive definite errors

// Train the sequence classifier using the algorithm
teacher.Learn(sequences, labels);

double logLikelihood = teacher.LogLikelihood;

// Calculate the probability that the given
//  sequences originated from the model
double likelihood, likelihood2;

int c1 = classifier.Decide(sequences[0]);
likelihood = classifier.Probability(sequences[0]);

// Try to classify the second sequence (output should be 1)
int c2 = classifier.Decide(sequences[1]);
likelihood2 = classifier.Probability(sequences[1]);

The next example shows how to use the learning algorithms in a real-world dataset, including training and testing in separate sets and evaluating its performance:

// Ensure we get reproducible results
Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 0;

// Download the PENDIGITS dataset from UCI ML repository
var pendigits = new Pendigits(path: localDownloadPath);

// Get and pre-process the training set
double[][][] trainInputs = pendigits.Training.Item1;
int[] trainOutputs = pendigits.Training.Item2;

// Pre-process the digits so each of them is centered and scaled
trainInputs = trainInputs.Apply(Accord.Statistics.Tools.ZScores);

// Create some prior distributions to help initialize our parameters
var priorC = new WishartDistribution(dimension: 2, degreesOfFreedom: 5);
var priorM = new MultivariateNormalDistribution(dimension: 2);

// Create a new learning algorithm for creating continuous hidden Markov model classifiers
var teacher = new HiddenMarkovClassifierLearning<MultivariateNormalDistribution, double[]>()
    // This tells the generative algorithm how to train each of the component models. Note: The learning
    // algorithm is more efficient if all generic parameters are specified, including the fitting options
    Learner = (i) => new BaumWelchLearning<MultivariateNormalDistribution, double[], NormalOptions>()
        Topology = new Forward(5), // Each model will have a forward topology with 5 states

        // Their emissions will be multivariate Normal distributions initialized using the prior distributions
        Emissions = (j) => new MultivariateNormalDistribution(mean: priorM.Generate(), covariance: priorC.Generate()),

        // We will train until the relative change in the average log-likelihood is less than 1e-6 between iterations
        Tolerance = 1e-6,
        MaxIterations = 1000, // or until we perform 1000 iterations (which is unlikely for this dataset)

        // We will prevent our covariance matrices from becoming degenerate by adding a small 
        // regularization value to their diagonal until they become positive-definite again:
        FittingOptions = new NormalOptions()
            Regularization = 1e-6

// The following line is only needed to ensure reproducible results. Please remove it to enable full parallelization
teacher.ParallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1; // (Remove, comment, or change this line to enable full parallelism)

// Use the learning algorithm to create a classifier
var hmmc = teacher.Learn(trainInputs, trainOutputs);

// Compute predictions for the training set
int[] trainPredicted = hmmc.Decide(trainInputs);

// Check the performance of the classifier by comparing with the ground-truth:
var m1 = new GeneralConfusionMatrix(predicted: trainPredicted, expected: trainOutputs);
double trainAcc = m1.Accuracy; // should be 0.84962835906232137

// Prepare the testing set
double[][][] testInputs = pendigits.Testing.Item1;
int[] testOutputs = pendigits.Testing.Item2;

// Apply the same normalizations
testInputs = testInputs.Apply(Accord.Statistics.Tools.ZScores);

// Compute predictions for the test set
int[] testPredicted = hmmc.Decide(testInputs);

// Check the performance of the classifier by comparing with the ground-truth:
var m2 = new GeneralConfusionMatrix(predicted: testPredicted, expected: testOutputs);
double testAcc = m2.Accuracy; // should be 0.8130504403522818
See Also