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DenavitHartenbergViewer Properties

The DenavitHartenbergViewer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArrowsBoundingBox
Gets or sets the arrows indicating the axes on each drawing represented as a Rectangle object.
Public propertyBackColor
Gets or sets the color of the rendering surface background
Public propertyBaseJointColor
Gets or sets the color of the first joint of a model
Public propertyEndJointColor
Gets or sets the color of the last joint of a model
Public propertyJointRadius
Gets or sets the radius of the joints circles. Default is 8.
Public propertyJointsColor
Gets or sets the color of the joints
Public propertyLinksColor
Gets or sets the color of the links between joints
Public propertyPlaneXY
Image of the model viewed on the XY plane.
Public propertyPlaneXZ
Image of the model viewed on the XZ plane.
Public propertyPlaneYZ
Image of the model viewed on the YZ plane.
Public propertyScale
Gets or sets the value to scale the drawing of the model to fit the window. Default is 1.
See Also