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Accord.Fuzzy Namespace

Public classCentroidDefuzzifier
This class implements the centroid defuzzification method.
Public classClause
This class represents a fuzzy clause, a linguistic expression of the type "Variable IS Value".
Public classDatabase
The class represents a fuzzy database, a set of linguistic variables used in a Fuzzy Inference System.
Public classFuzzyOutput
The class represents the output of a Fuzzy Inference System.
Public classFuzzyOutputOutputConstraint
Inner class to store the pair fuzzy label / firing strength of a fuzzy output.
Public classFuzzySet
The class represents a fuzzy set.
Public classInferenceSystem
This class represents a Fuzzy Inference System.
Public classLinguisticVariable
The class represents a linguistic variable.
Public classMaximumCoNorm
Maximum CoNorm, used to calculate the linguistic value of a OR operation.
Public classMinimumNorm
Minimum Norm, used to calculate the linguistic value of a AND operation.
Public classNotOperator
NOT operator, used to calculate the complement of a fuzzy set.
Public classPiecewiseLinearFunction
Membership function composed by several connected linear functions.
Public classProductNorm
Product Norm, used to calculate the linguistic value of a AND operation.
Public classRule
This class represents a Fuzzy Rule, a linguistic expression representing some behavioral aspect of a Fuzzy Inference System.
Public classRulebase
The class represents a fuzzy rulebase, a set of fuzzy rules used in a Fuzzy Inference System.
Public classSingletonFunction
Membership function used in fuzzy singletons: fuzzy sets that have just one point with membership value 1.
Public classTrapezoidalFunction
Membership function in the shape of a trapezoid. Can be a half trapzoid if the left or the right side is missing.
Public interfaceICoNorm
Interface with the common methods of a Fuzzy CoNorm.
Public interfaceIDefuzzifier
Interface which specifies set of methods required to be implemented by all defuzzification methods that can be used in Fuzzy Inference Systems.
Public interfaceIMembershipFunction
Interface which specifies set of methods required to be implemented by all membership functions.
Public interfaceINorm
Interface with the common methods of a Fuzzy Norm.
Public interfaceIUnaryOperator
Interface with the common methods of Fuzzy Unary Operator.
Public enumerationTrapezoidalFunctionEdgeType
Enumeration used to create trapezoidal membership functions with half trapezoids.