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MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTKernel, TInput Methods

The MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTKernel, TInput generic type exposes the following members.

Public methodCompress
If the inner machines have a linear kernel, compresses their support vectors into a single parameter vector for each machine.
(Inherited from MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Public methodDecide(TInput)
Computes class-label decisions for a given set of input vectors.
(Inherited from ClassifierBaseTInput, TClasses.)
Public methodDecide(TInput)
Computes a class-label decision for a given input.
(Inherited from MultilabelClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodDecide(TInput, TClasses)
Computes a class-label decision for a given input.
(Inherited from ClassifierBaseTInput, TClasses.)
Public methodDecide(TInput, Double)
Computes class-label decisions for the given input.
(Inherited from MultilabelClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodDecide(TInput, Int32)
Computes class-label decisions for the given input.
(Inherited from MultilabelClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodDecide(TInput, Double)
Computes a class-label decision for a given input.
(Inherited from MultilabelClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodDecide(TInput, Int32)
Computes a class-label decision for a given input.
(Inherited from MultilabelClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodDecide(TInput, Double)
Computes a class-label decision for a given input.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodDecide(TInput, Boolean)
Computes class-label decisions for the given input.
(Inherited from MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Public methodDecide(TInput, Int32)
Computes whether a class label applies to an input vector.
(Inherited from MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Public methodDecide(TInput, Int32)
Computes a class-label decision for a given input.
(Inherited from MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources
(Inherited from MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetClassifierForClass
Gets the binary classifier for particular class index.
(Inherited from OneVsRestTModel, TInput.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
(Inherited from OneVsRestTModel, TInput.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetLastKernelEvaluations
Gets the total kernel evaluations performed in the last call to Decide(TInput) and similar functions in the current thread.
(Inherited from MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Public methodGetLastKernelHits
Gets the number of cache hits during in the last call to Decide(TInput) and similar functions in the current thread.
(Inherited from MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput, Int32)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput, Int32)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput, Int32)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput, Int32, Double)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput, Int32, Double)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput, Int32, Boolean)
Computes a log-likelihood measuring the association between the given input vector and a given classIndex.
(Inherited from OneVsRestTModel, TInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihoods(TInput)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihoods(TInput)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihoods(TInput, Double)
Predicts a class label vector for the given input vector, returning the log-likelihoods of the input vector belonging to each possible class.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihoods(TInput, Double)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihoods(TInput, Double)
Predicts a class label vector for each input vector, returning the log-likelihoods of the input vector belonging to each possible class.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihoods(TInput, Double)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihoods(TInput, Boolean, Double)
Predicts a class label vector for the given input vector, returning the log-likelihoods of the input vector belonging to each possible class.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihoods(TInput, Double, Double)
Predicts a class label vector for each input vector, returning the log-likelihoods of the input vector belonging to each possible class.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihoods(TInput, Boolean, Double)
Predicts a class label vector for the given input vector, returning the log-likelihoods of the input vector belonging to each possible class.
(Inherited from MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodProbabilities(TInput)
Computes the probabilities that the given input vector belongs to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodProbabilities(TInput)
Computes the probabilities that the given input vector belongs to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodProbabilities(TInput, Double)
Predicts a class label vector for the given input vector, returning the probabilities of the input vector belonging to each possible class.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodProbabilities(TInput, Double)
Computes the probabilities that the given input vector belongs to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodProbabilities(TInput, Double)
Predicts a class label vector for each input vector, returning the probabilities of the input vector belonging to each possible class.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodProbabilities(TInput, Double)
Computes the probabilities that the given input vector belongs to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodProbabilities(TInput, Boolean, Double)
Predicts a class label vector for the given input vector, returning the probabilities of the input vector belonging to each possible class.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodProbabilities(TInput, Double, Double)
Predicts a class label vector for each input vector, returning the probabilities of the input vector belonging to each possible class.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodProbabilities(TInput, Boolean, Double)
Predicts a class label vector for the given input vector, returning the log-likelihoods of the input vector belonging to each possible class.
(Inherited from MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Public methodProbability(TInput, Int32)
Computes the probability that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodProbability(TInput, Int32)
Computes the probability that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodProbability(TInput, Int32)
Computes the probability that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodProbability(TInput, Int32, Double)
Computes the probability that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodProbability(TInput, Int32, Double)
Computes the probability that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodReset
Resets the cache and machine statistics so they can be recomputed on next evaluation.
(Inherited from MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Public methodScore(TInput, Int32)
Computes a numerical score measuring the association between the given input vector and a given classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodScore(TInput, Int32)
Computes a numerical score measuring the association between the given input vector and a given classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodScore(TInput, Int32)
Computes a numerical score measuring the association between the given input vector and a given classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Public methodScore(TInput, Int32, Double)
Computes a numerical score measuring the association between the given input vector and a given classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodScore(TInput, Int32, Double)
Computes a numerical score measuring the association between the given input vector and a given classIndex.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodScore(TInput, Int32, Boolean)
Computes a numerical score measuring the association between the given input vector and a given classIndex.
(Inherited from OneVsRestTModel, TInput.)
Public methodScores(TInput)
Computes a numerical score measuring the association between the given input vector and each class.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodScores(TInput)
Computes a numerical score measuring the association between the given input vector and each class.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodScores(TInput, Boolean)
Predicts a class label vector for the given input vector, returning a numerical score measuring the strength of association of the input vector to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodScores(TInput, Double)
Computes a numerical score measuring the association between the given input vector and each class.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodScores(TInput, Double)
Computes a numerical score measuring the association between the given input vector and each class.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodScores(TInput, Int32)
Predicts a class label vector for each input vector, returning a numerical score measuring the strength of association of the input vector to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodScores(TInput, Boolean, Double)
Predicts a class label vector for the given input vector, returning a numerical score measuring the strength of association of the input vector to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodScores(TInput, Boolean, Double)
Predicts a class label vector for each input vector, returning a numerical score measuring the strength of association of the input vector to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodScores(TInput, Boolean, Double)
Predicts a class label vector for the given input vector, returning a numerical score measuring the strength of association of the input vector to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MultilabelSupportVectorMachineTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Public methodToMulticlass
Views this instance as a multi-class generative classifier.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransform(TInput)
Applies the transformation to an input, producing an associated output.
(Inherited from ClassifierBaseTInput, TClasses.)
Public methodTransform(TInput)
Applies the transformation to a set of input vectors, producing an associated set of output vectors.
(Inherited from TransformBaseTInput, TOutput.)
Public methodTransform(TInput, Boolean)
Applies the transformation to an input, producing an associated output.
(Inherited from MultilabelClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodTransform(TInput, Int32)
Applies the transformation to an input, producing an associated output.
(Inherited from MultilabelClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodTransform(TInput, Boolean)
Applies the transformation to an input, producing an associated output.
(Inherited from MultilabelClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodTransform(TInput, Int32)
Applies the transformation to an input, producing an associated output.
(Inherited from MultilabelClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodTransform(TInput, Double)
Applies the transformation to an input, producing an associated output.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodTransform(TInput, Double)
Applies the transformation to an input, producing an associated output.
(Inherited from MultilabelLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodTransform(TInput, Double)
Applies the transformation to an input, producing an associated output.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodTransform(TInput, Int32)
Applies the transformation to an input, producing an associated output.
(Inherited from MultilabelScoreClassifierBaseTInput.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodHasMethod
Checks whether an object implements a method with the given name.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodIsEqual
Compares two objects for equality, performing an elementwise comparison if the elements are vectors or matrices.
(Defined by Matrix.)
Public Extension MethodTo(Type)Overloaded.
Converts an object into another type, irrespective of whether the conversion can be done at compile time or not. This can be used to convert generic types to numeric types during runtime.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodToTOverloaded.
Converts an object into another type, irrespective of whether the conversion can be done at compile time or not. This can be used to convert generic types to numeric types during runtime.
(Defined by ExtensionMethods.)
See Also