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NelderMeadStatus Enumeration

NelderMead exit codes.

Namespace:  Accord.Math.Optimization
Assembly:  Accord.Math (in Accord.Math.dll) Version: 3.8.0
public enum NelderMeadStatus
  Member nameValueDescription
ForcedStop0 Optimization was canceled by the user.
Success1 Optimization ended successfully.
MaximumTimeReached2 The execution time exceeded the established limit.
MinimumAllowedValueReached3 The minimum desired value has been reached.
MaximumEvaluationsReached4 The algorithm had stopped prematurely because the maximum number of evaluations was reached.
Failure5 The algorithm failed internally.
FunctionToleranceReached6 The desired output tolerance (minimum change in the function output between two consecutive iterations) has been reached.
SolutionToleranceReached7 The desired parameter tolerance (minimum change in the solution vector between two iterations) has been reached.
See Also