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NonlinearLeastSquares Properties

The NonlinearLeastSquares type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlgorithm
Gets the Least-Squares optimization algorithm used to perform the actual learning.
Public propertyComputeStandardErrors
Gets or sets a value indicating whether standard errors should be computed in the next iteration.
Public propertyFunction
Gets or sets the model function, mapping inputs to outputs given a suitable parameter vector.
Public propertyGradient
Gets or sets a function that computes the gradient of the Function in respect to the current parameters.
Public propertyNumberOfParameters
Gets the number of variables (free parameters) in the non-linear model specified in Function.
Public propertyStartValues
Gets or sets the vector of initial values to be used at the beginning of the optimization. Setting a suitable set of initial values can be important to achieve good convergence or avoid poor local minimas.
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets a cancellation token that can be used to stop the learning algorithm while it is running.
See Also