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DiscretizationTInput, TOutput Properties

The DiscretizationTInput, TOutput generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActive
Gets or sets whether this filter is active. An inactive filter will repass the input table as output unchanged.
(Inherited from BaseFilterTOptions, TFilter.)
Public propertyColumns
Gets the collection of filter options.
(Inherited from BaseFilterTOptions, TFilter.)
Public propertyItemInt32
Gets options associated with a given variable (data column).
(Inherited from BaseFilterTOptions, TFilter.)
Public propertyItemString
Gets options associated with a given variable (data column).
(Inherited from BaseFilterTOptions, TFilter.)
Public propertyNumberOfInputs
Gets the number of inputs accepted by the model.
(Inherited from BaseFilterTOptions, TFilter.)
Public propertyNumberOfOutputs
Gets the number of outputs generated by the model.
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets a cancellation token that can be used to stop the learning algorithm while it is running.
(Inherited from BaseFilterTOptions, TFilter.)
See Also