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SupportVectorReductionBaseTModel, TKernel, TInput Properties

The SupportVectorReductionBaseTModel, TKernel, TInput generic type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyInput
Gets or sets the input vectors for training.
(Inherited from BaseSupportVectorCalibrationTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Public propertyIsLinear
Gets whether the machine being learned is linear.
(Inherited from BaseSupportVectorCalibrationTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Protected propertyKernel
Gets the machine's IKernel function.
(Inherited from BaseSupportVectorCalibrationTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Public propertyModel
Gets the machine to be taught.
(Inherited from BaseSupportVectorCalibrationTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Protected propertyOutput
Gets or sets the output labels for each training vector.
(Inherited from BaseSupportVectorCalibrationTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
Public propertyThreshold
Gets or sets the minimum threshold that is used to determine whether a weight will be kept in the machine or not. Default is 1e-12.
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets a cancellation token that can be used to stop the learning algorithm while it is running.
(Inherited from BaseSupportVectorCalibrationTModel, TKernel, TInput.)
See Also