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MultilabelSupportVectorLearningTKernel Properties

The MultilabelSupportVectorLearningTKernel generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAggregateExceptions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire training algorithm should stop in case an exception has been detected at just one of the inner binary learning problems. Default is true (execution will not be stopped).
(Inherited from OneVsRestLearningTInput, TBinary, TModel.)
Public propertyIsMultilabel (Inherited from OneVsRestLearningTInput, TBinary, TModel.)
Public propertyKernel
Gets or sets the kernel function to be used to learn the kernel support vector machines.
(Inherited from BaseMultilabelSupportVectorLearningTInput, TBinary, TKernel, TModel.)
Public propertyLearner
Gets or sets a function that takes a set of parameters and creates a learning algorithm for learning each of the binary inner classifiers needed by the one-vs-rest classification strategy.
(Inherited from OneVsRestLearningTInput, TBinary, TModel.)
Public propertyModel
Gets or sets the model being learned.
(Inherited from OneVsRestLearningTInput, TBinary, TModel.)
Public propertyParallelOptions
Gets or sets the parallelization options for this algorithm.
(Inherited from ParallelLearningBase.)
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets a cancellation token that can be used to cancel the algorithm while it is running.
(Inherited from ParallelLearningBase.)
See Also