Population Properties |
The Population type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AutoShuffling |
Determines of auto shuffling is on or off.
| |
BestChromosome |
Best chromosome of the population.
| |
CrossoverRate |
Crossover rate, [0.1, 1].
| |
FitnessAvg |
Average fitness of the population.
| |
FitnessFunction |
Fitness function to apply to the population.
| |
FitnessMax |
Maximum fitness of the population.
| |
FitnessSum |
Summary fitness of the population.
| |
Item |
Get chromosome with specified index.
| |
MutationRate |
Mutation rate, [0.1, 1].
| |
RandomSelectionPortion |
Random selection portion, [0, 0.9].
| |
SelectionMethod |
Selection method to use with the population.
| |
Size |
Size of the population.