Support Vector Machines , Logistic Regression , Decision Trees , Neural Networks , Deep Learning (Deep Neural Networks) , Levenberg-Marquardt with Bayesian Regularization , Restricted Boltzmann Machines , Sequence classification , Hidden Markov Classifiers and Hidden Conditional Random Fields .

Multiple linear regression , Multivariate linear regression , polynomial regression , logarithmic regression. Logistic regression , multinomial logistic regression (softmax) and generalized linear models . L2-regularized L2-loss logistic regression , L2-regularized logistic regression , L1-regularized logistic regression , L2-regularized logistic regression in the dual form and regression support vector machines .

K-Means , K-Modes , Mean-Shift , Gaussian Mixture Models , Binary Split , Deep Belief Networks , Restricted Boltzmann Machines . Clustering algorithms can be applied in arbitrary data, including images , data tables, videos and audio .