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ReasonToFinishPlaying Enumeration

Reason of finishing video playing.

Namespace:  Accord.Video
Assembly:  Accord.Video (in Accord.Video.dll) Version: 3.8.0
public enum ReasonToFinishPlaying
  Member nameValueDescription
EndOfStreamReached0 Video playing has finished because it end was reached.
StoppedByUser1 Video playing has finished because it was stopped by user.
DeviceLost2 Video playing has finished because the device was lost (unplugged).
VideoSourceError3 Video playing has finished because of some error happened the video source (camera, stream, file, etc.). A error reporting event usually is fired to provide error information.

When video source class fire the PlayingFinished event, they need to specify reason of finishing video playing. For example, it may be end of stream reached.

See Also