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Image Class

Core image relatad methods.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Accord.Imaging
Assembly:  Accord.Imaging (in Accord.Imaging.dll) Version: 3.8.0
public static class Image
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The Image type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberClone(Byte)
Clone image.
Public methodStatic memberClone(Bitmap)
Clone image.
Public methodStatic memberClone(BitmapData)
Clone image.
Public methodStatic memberClone(Bitmap, PixelFormat)
Clone image.
Public methodStatic memberConvert16bppTo8bpp
Convert bitmap with 16 bits per plane to a bitmap with 8 bits per plane.
Public methodStatic memberConvert8bppTo16bpp
Convert bitmap with 8 bits per plane to a bitmap with 16 bits per plane.
Public methodStatic memberConvertColor8bppToGrayscale8bpp
Converts a 8-bpp color image into a 8-bpp grayscale image, setting its color palette to grayscale and replacing palette indices with their grayscale values.
Public methodStatic memberCreateGrayscaleImage
Create and initialize new 8 bpp grayscale image.
Public methodStatic memberFormatImage Obsolete.
Format an image.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFromFile
Load bitmap from file.
Public methodStatic memberFromUrl(String)
Load bitmap from URL.
Public methodStatic memberFromUrl(String, String)
Load bitmap from URL.
Public methodStatic memberGetPixelFormatSize(Bitmap)
Gets the color depth used in an image, in number of bits per pixel.
Public methodStatic memberGetPixelFormatSize(UnmanagedImage)
Gets the color depth used in an image, in number of bits per pixel.
Public methodStatic memberGetPixelFormatSizeInBytes(Bitmap)
Gets the color depth used in an image, in number of bytes per pixel.
Public methodStatic memberGetPixelFormatSizeInBytes(UnmanagedImage)
Gets the color depth used in an image, in number of bytes per pixel.
Public methodStatic memberIsColor8bpp
Check if specified 8 bpp image is contains color-indexed pixels instead of intensity values.
Public methodStatic memberIsGrayscale
Check if specified 8 bpp image is grayscale.
Public methodStatic memberSetGrayscalePalette
Set pallete of the 8 bpp indexed image to grayscale.
All methods of this class are static and represent general routines used by different image processing classes.
See Also