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Camshift Properties

The Camshift type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAspectRatio
Gets or sets the desired window aspect ratio.
Public propertyConservative
Gets or sets whether the algorithm should scan only the active window or the entire image for histogram ratio.
Public propertyExtract
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tracker should extract the object image from the source. The extracted image will be available in Image.
Public propertyHslLightnessRange
If using HSL mode, specifies the operational lightness range for the tracker.
Public propertyHslSaturationRange
If using HSL mode, specifies the operational saturation range for the tracker.
Public propertyIsSteady
Gets whether the tracking object is showing little variation of fluctuation.
Public propertyMap
Probability map
Public propertyMode
Gets or sets the mode of operation for this tracker.
Public propertySearchWindow
Gets or sets the current search window.
Public propertySmooth
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the angular movements should be smoothed using a moving average.
Public propertyTrackingObject
Gets the location of the object being tracked.
See Also