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IterativeReweightedLeastSquares Properties

The IterativeReweightedLeastSquares type exposes the following members.

Public propertyComputeStandardErrors
Gets or sets a value indicating whether standard errors should be computed in the next iteration.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
Public propertyCurrentIteration
Gets the current iteration number.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
Public propertyGradient
Gets the Gradient vector computed in the last Newton-Raphson iteration.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
Public propertyHasConverged
Gets or sets whether the algorithm has converged.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
Public propertyHessian
Gets the Hessian matrix computed in the last Newton-Raphson iteration.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
Public propertyIterations Obsolete.
Please use MaxIterations instead.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
Public propertyMaxIterations
Gets or sets the maximum number of iterations performed by the learning algorithm.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
Public propertyModel
Gets or sets the regression model being learned.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
Public propertyParameters
Gets the total number of parameters in the model.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
Public propertyPrevious
Gets the previous values for the coefficients which were in place before the last learning iteration was performed.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
Public propertyRegularization
Gets or sets the regularization value to be added in the objective function. Default is 1e-10.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
Public propertySolution
Gets the current values for the coefficients.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets a cancellation token that can be used to stop the learning algorithm while it is running.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
Public propertyTolerance
Gets or sets the tolerance value used to determine whether the algorithm has converged.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
Public propertyUpdates
Gets the last parameter updates in the last iteration.
(Inherited from IterativeReweightedLeastSquaresTModel.)
See Also