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BaseMaximumLikelihoodLearningTModel, TDistribution, TObservation, TOptions Properties

The BaseMaximumLikelihoodLearningTModel, TDistribution, TObservation, TOptions generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEmissions
Gets or sets the function that initializes the emission distributions in the hidden Markov Models.
Public propertyFittingOptions
Gets or sets the distribution fitting options to use when estimating distribution densities during learning.
Public propertyModel
Gets the model being trained.
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets a cancellation token that can be used to stop the learning algorithm while it is running.
Public propertyUseLaplaceRule
Gets or sets whether to use Laplace's rule of succession to avoid zero probabilities.
Public propertyUseWeights
Gets or sets whether the emission fitting algorithm should present weighted samples or simply the clustered samples to the density estimation methods.
See Also