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BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation Properties

The BaseHiddenMarkovClassifierLearningTClassifier, TModel, TDistribution, TObservation generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlgorithm Obsolete.
Public propertyClassifier
Gets the classifier being trained by this instance.
Public propertyEmpirical
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the class priors should be estimated from the data, as in an empirical Bayes method.
Public propertyLearner
Gets or sets the configuration function specifying which training algorithm should be used for each of the models in the hidden Markov model set.
Public propertyLogLikelihood
Gets the log-likelihood at the end of the training.
Public propertyParallelOptions
Gets or sets the parallelization options for this algorithm.
Public propertyRejection
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a threshold model should be created or updated after training to support rejection.
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets a cancellation token that can be used to stop the learning algorithm while it is running.
See Also