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KernelFunctionCache Properties

The KernelFunctionCache type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCount
Gets the current number of rows stored in this cache.
(Inherited from KernelFunctionCacheTKernel, TInput.)
Public propertyEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether the cache is enabled. If the value is false, it means the kernel function is being evaluated on-the-fly.
(Inherited from KernelFunctionCacheTKernel, TInput.)
Public propertyHits
Gets the total number of cache hits.
(Inherited from KernelFunctionCacheTKernel, TInput.)
Public propertyItemInt32
Attempts to retrieve the value of the kernel function from the diagonal of the kernel matrix. If the value is not available, it is immediately computed and inserted in the cache.
(Inherited from KernelFunctionCacheTKernel, TInput.)
Public propertyItemInt32, Int32
Attempts to retrieve the kernel function evaluated between point at index i and j. If it is not cached, it will be computed and the cache will be updated.
(Inherited from KernelFunctionCacheTKernel, TInput.)
Public propertyMaximumBytes
Gets the maximum size of the cache, measured in bytes.
(Inherited from KernelFunctionCacheTKernel, TInput.)
Public propertyMinimumBytes
Gets the minimum size of the cache, measured in bytes.
(Inherited from KernelFunctionCacheTKernel, TInput.)
Public propertyMisses
Gets the total number of cache misses.
(Inherited from KernelFunctionCacheTKernel, TInput.)
Public propertySize
Gets the size of the cache, measured in number of rows.
(Inherited from KernelFunctionCacheTKernel, TInput.)
Public propertyUsage
Gets the percentage of the cache currently in use.
(Inherited from KernelFunctionCacheTKernel, TInput.)
See Also