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GeneralDiscreteDistribution Properties

The GeneralDiscreteDistribution type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEntropy
Gets the entropy for this distribution.
(Overrides UnivariateDiscreteDistributionEntropy.)
Public propertyFrequencies
Gets the probabilities associated with each discrete variable value. Note: if the frequencies in this property are manually changed, the rest of the class properties (Mode, Mean, ...) will not be automatically updated to reflect the actual inserted values.
Public propertyItem
Gets the probability value associated with the symbol i.
Public propertyLength
Gets the number of symbols in the distribution.
Public propertyMaximum
Gets the integer value where the discrete distribution ends.
Public propertyMean
Gets the mean for this distribution.
(Overrides UnivariateDiscreteDistributionMean.)
Public propertyMedian
Gets the median for this distribution.
(Inherited from UnivariateDiscreteDistribution.)
Public propertyMinimum
Gets the integer value where the discrete distribution starts.
Public propertyMode
Gets the mode for this distribution.
(Overrides UnivariateDiscreteDistributionMode.)
Public propertyQuartiles
Gets the Quartiles for this distribution.
(Inherited from UnivariateDiscreteDistribution.)
Public propertyStandardDeviation
Gets the Standard Deviation (the square root of the variance) for the current distribution.
(Inherited from UnivariateDiscreteDistribution.)
Public propertySupport
Gets the support interval for this distribution.
(Overrides UnivariateDiscreteDistributionSupport.)
Public propertyVariance
Gets the variance for this distribution.
(Overrides UnivariateDiscreteDistributionVariance.)
See Also