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DistributionInfo Properties

The DistributionInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDistributionType
Gets the distribution's type information.
Public propertyIsBuildable
Gets a value indicating whether it is possible to discover enough information about this constructor such that the distribution can be constructed using reflection.
Public propertyIsContinuous
Gets a value indicating whether the distribution modeled by DistributionType is a continuous-valued distribution. Discrete distributions are assumed to inherit from UnivariateContinuousDistribution or MultivariateContinuousDistribution.
Public propertyIsDiscrete
Gets a value indicating whether the distribution modeled by DistributionType is a discrete-valued distribution. Discrete distributions are assumed to inherit from UnivariateDiscreteDistribution or MultivariateDiscreteDistribution.
Public propertyIsMultivariate
Gets a value indicating whether the distribution modeled by DistributionType is multivariate. A distribution is assumed to be univariate if it implements the IMultivariateDistribution interface.
Public propertyIsUnivariate
Gets a value indicating whether the distribution modeled by DistributionType is univariate. A distribution is assumed to be univariate if it implements the IUnivariateDistribution interface.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of this distribution in a more human-readable form.
See Also