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UniformBallDistribution Properties

The UniformBallDistribution type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCovariance
Gets the variance-covariance matrix for this distribution.
(Overrides MultivariateContinuousDistributionCovariance.)
Public propertyDimension
Gets the number of variables for this distribution.
(Inherited from MultivariateContinuousDistribution.)
Public propertyMean
Gets the sphere center (mean) vector.
(Overrides MultivariateContinuousDistributionMean.)
Public propertyMedian
Gets the median for this distribution.
(Inherited from MultivariateContinuousDistribution.)
Public propertyMode
Gets the mode for this distribution.
(Inherited from MultivariateContinuousDistribution.)
Public propertyRadius
Gets the sphere radius.
Public propertyVariance
Gets the variance for this distribution.
(Overrides MultivariateContinuousDistributionVariance.)
Public propertyVolume
Gets the sphere volume.
See Also