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ReceiverOperatingCharacteristicPoint Properties

The ReceiverOperatingCharacteristicPoint type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccuracy
Accuracy, or raw performance of the system
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyActualNegatives
Gets the number of actual negatives
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyActualPositives
Gets the number of actual positives.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyChanceAgreement
Chance agreement.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyChiSquare
Gets the Chi-Square statistic for the contingency table.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyColumnTotals
Gets the marginal sums for table columns.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyCutoff
Gets the cutoff value (discrimination threshold) for this point.
Public propertyDiagonal
Gets the diagonal of the confusion matrix.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyEfficiency
Efficiency, the arithmetic mean of sensitivity and specificity
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyError
Error rate, or 1 - accuracy.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyErrors
Gets the number of errors between the expected and predicted values.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyExpectedValues
Expected values, or values that could have been generated just by chance.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyFalseDiscoveryRate
False Discovery Rate, or the expected false positive rate.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyFalseNegatives
Cases incorrectly identified by the system as negatives.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyFalsePositiveRate
False Positive Rate, also known as false alarm rate.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyFalsePositives
Cases incorrectly identified by the system as positives.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyFScore
F-Score, computed as the harmonic mean of Precision and Recall.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyGeometricAgreement
Geometric agreement.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyHits
Gets the number of hits between the expected and predicted values.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyKappa
Kappa coefficient.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyMatrix
Gets the confusion matrix in count matrix form.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyMatthewsCorrelationCoefficient
Matthews Correlation Coefficient, also known as Phi coefficient
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyNegativePredictiveValue
Negative Predictive Value, also known as Negative Precision
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyNormalizedMutualInformation
Normalized Mutual Information.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyNumberOfClasses
Gets the number of classes in this decision problem.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyNumberOfSamples
Gets the number of observations for this matrix.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyOddsRatio
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyOverallAgreement
Overall agreement.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyOverallDiagnosticPower
Diagnostic power.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyPearson
Pearson's contingency coefficient C.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyPositivePredictiveValue
Positive Predictive Value, also known as Positive Precision
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyPrecision
Precision, same as the PositivePredictiveValue.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyPredictedNegatives
Gets the number of predicted negatives.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyPredictedPositives
Gets the number of predicted positives.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyPrevalence
Prevalence of outcome occurrence.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyRecall
Recall, same as the Sensitivity.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyRowTotals
Gets the marginal sums for table rows.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertySamples Obsolete.
Gets the number of observations for this matrix
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertySensitivity
Sensitivity, also known as True Positive Rate
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertySpecificity
Specificity, also known as True Negative Rate
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyStandardError
Gets the standard error of the Kappa coefficient of performance.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyStandardErrorUnderNull
Gets the standard error of the Kappa under the null hypothesis that the underlying Kappa value is 0.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyTrueNegatives
Cases correctly identified by the system as negatives.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyTruePositives
Cases correctly identified by the system as positives.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyVariance
Gets the variance of the Kappa coefficient of performance.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
Public propertyVarianceUnderNull
Gets the variance of the Kappa under the null hypothesis that the underlying Kappa value is 0.
(Inherited from ConfusionMatrix.)
See Also