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PartialLeastSquaresVariables Properties

The PartialLeastSquaresVariables type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCumulativeProportions
Gets the cumulative variance explained by each latent factor. Can be either by input variables' latent factors or output variables' latent factors, depending if the variables chosen are predictor variables or dependent variables, respectively.
Public propertyFactorMatrix
Gets the loadings (a.k.a factors or components) for the variables obtained during the analysis. Can be either from input data or output data, depending if the variables chosen are predictor variables or dependent variables, respectively.
Public propertyFactorProportions
Gets the amount of variance explained by each latent factor. Can be either by input variables' latent factors or output variables' latent factors, depending if the variables chosen are predictor variables or dependent variables, respectively.
Public propertyMeans
Gets the column means of the source data. Can be either from input data or output data, depending if the variables chosen are predictor variables or dependent variables, respectively.
Public propertyResult Obsolete.
Gets the resulting projection (scores) of the source data into latent space. Can be either from input data or output data depending if the variables chosen are predictor variables or dependent variables, respectively.
Public propertySource Obsolete.
Source data used in the analysis. Can be either input data or output data depending if the variables chosen are predictor variables or dependent variables, respectively.
Public propertyStandardDeviations
Gets the column standard deviations of the source data. Can be either from input data or output data, depending if the variables chosen are predictor variables or dependent variables, respectively.
See Also