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LogisticRegressionAnalysis Properties

The LogisticRegressionAnalysis type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArray Obsolete.
Gets the source matrix from which the analysis was run.
Public propertyChiSquare
Gets the Chi-Square (Likelihood Ratio) Test for the model.
Public propertyCoefficients
Gets the collection of coefficients of the model.
Public propertyCoefficientValues
Gets the value of each coefficient.
Public propertyComputeInnerModels
Gets or sets whether nested models should be computed in order to calculate the likelihood-ratio test of each of the coefficients. Default is false.
Public propertyConfidences
Gets the 95% Confidence Intervals (C.I.) for each coefficient found in the regression.
Public propertyDeviance
Gets the Deviance of the model.
Public propertyInformationMatrix
Gets the information matrix obtained during learning.
Public propertyInputs
Gets or sets the name of the input variables for the model.
Public propertyIterations
Gets or sets the maximum number of iterations to be performed by the regression algorithm. Default is 50.
Public propertyLikelihoodRatioTests
Gets the Likelihood-Ratio Tests for each coefficient.
Public propertyLogLikelihood
Gets the Log-Likelihood for the model.
Public propertyNumberOfInputs
Gets the number of inputs accepted by the model.
(Inherited from TransformBaseTInput, TOutput.)
Public propertyNumberOfOutputs
Gets the number of outputs generated by the model.
(Inherited from TransformBaseTInput, TOutput.)
Public propertyNumberOfSamples
Gets the number of samples used to compute the analysis.
Public propertyOddsRatios
Gets the Odds Ratio for each coefficient found during the logistic regression.
Public propertyOutput
Gets or sets the name of the output variable for the model.
Public propertyOutputs Obsolete.
Gets the dependent variable value for each of the source input points.
Public propertyRegression
Gets the Logistic Regression model created and evaluated by this analysis.
Public propertyRegularization
Gets or sets the regularization value to be added in the objective function. Default is 1e-10.
Public propertyResult Obsolete.
Gets the resulting probabilities obtained by the logistic regression model.
Public propertySource Obsolete.
Gets the source matrix from which the analysis was run.
Public propertyStandardErrors
Gets the Standard Error for each coefficient found during the logistic regression.
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets a cancellation token that can be used to stop the learning algorithm while it is running.
Public propertyTolerance
Gets or sets the difference between two iterations of the regression algorithm when the algorithm should stop. The difference is calculated based on the largest absolute parameter change of the regression. Default is 1e-5.
Public propertyWaldTests
Gets the Wald Tests for each coefficient.
Public propertyWeights Obsolete.
Gets the sample weight associated with each input vector.
See Also