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GoodnessOfFit Properties

The GoodnessOfFit type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnalysis
Gets the analysis that has produced this measure.
Public propertyAndersonDarling
Gets the value of the Anderson-Darling statistic.
Public propertyAndersonDarlingRank
Gets the rank of this distribution according to the Anderson-Darling test.
Public propertyChiSquare
Gets the value of the Chi-Square statistic.
Public propertyChiSquareRank
Gets the rank of this distribution according to the Chi-Square test.
Public propertyDistribution
Gets (a clone of) the measured distribution.
Public propertyIndex
Gets the variable's index.
Public propertyKolmogorovSmirnov
Gets the value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic.
Public propertyKolmogorovSmirnovRank
Gets the rank of this distribution according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
Public propertyName
Gets the distribution name
See Also