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GeneralConfusionMatrix Properties

The GeneralConfusionMatrix type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccuracy
Accuracy. This is the same value as OverallAgreement.
Public propertyChanceAgreement
Chance agreement.
Public propertyChiSquare
Gets the Chi-Square statistic for the contingency table.
Public propertyClasses Obsolete.
Obsolete. Please use NumberOfClasses instead.
Public propertyColumnErrors
Gets the col errors.
Public propertyColumnProportions
Gets the column marginals (proportions).
Public propertyColumnTotals
Gets the column totals.
Public propertyCramer
Cramer's V association measure.
Public propertyDiagonal
Gets the diagonal of the confusion matrix.
Public propertyError
Error. This is the same value as 1.0 - OverallAgreement.
Public propertyExpectedValues
Expected values, or values that could have been generated just by chance.
Public propertyGeometricAgreement
Geometric agreement.
Public propertyKappa
Gets the Kappa coefficient of performance.
Public propertyMatrix
Gets the confusion matrix, in which each element e_ij represents the number of elements from class i classified as belonging to class j.
Public propertyMax
Gets the maximum number of correct matches (the maximum over the diagonal)
Public propertyMin
Gets the minimum number of correct matches (the minimum over the diagonal)
Public propertyNumberOfClasses
Gets the number of classes.
Public propertyNumberOfSamples
Gets the number of samples.
Public propertyOverallAgreement
Overall agreement.
Public propertyPearson
Pearson's contingency coefficient C.
Public propertyPerClassMatrices
Gets binary confusion matrices for each class in the multi-class classification problem. You can use this property to obtain recall, precision and other metrics for each of the classes.
Public propertyPhi
Phi coefficient.
Public propertyPrecision
Gets the row precision.
Public propertyProportionMatrix
Gets the confusion matrix in terms of cell percentages.
Public propertyRecall
Gets the column recall.
Public propertyRowErrors
Gets the row errors.
Public propertyRowProportions
Gets the row marginals (proportions).
Public propertyRowTotals
Gets the row totals.
Public propertySakoda
Sakoda's contingency coefficient V.
Public propertySamples Obsolete.
Obsolete. Please use NumberOfSamples instead.
Public propertyStandardError
Gets the standard error of the Kappa coefficient of performance.
Public propertyStandardErrorUnderNull
Gets the standard error of the Kappa under the null hypothesis that the underlying Kappa value is 0.
Public propertyTau
Gets the Tau coefficient of performance.
Public propertyTitleAboveColumns
Gets or sets the title that ought be displayed on top of the columns of this GeneralConfusionMatrix. Default is "Expected (Ground-truth)".
Public propertyTitleOnTheLeftOfRows
Gets or sets the title that ought be displayed on left side of this GeneralConfusionMatrix. Default is "Actual (Prediction)".
Public propertyTschuprow
Tschuprow's T association measure.
Public propertyVariance
Gets the variance of the Kappa coefficient of performance.
Public propertyVarianceDeltaMethod
Gets the variance of the Kappa coefficient of performance using Congalton's delta method.
Public propertyVarianceUnderNull
Gets the variance of the Kappa under the null hypothesis that the underlying Kappa value is 0.
See Also