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BasePrincipalComponentAnalysis Properties

The BasePrincipalComponentAnalysis type exposes the following members.

Public propertyComponentMatrix Obsolete.
Gets a matrix whose columns contain the principal components. Also known as the Eigenvectors or loadings matrix.
Public propertyComponentProportions
The respective role each component plays in the data set.
Public propertyComponents
Gets the Principal Components in a object-oriented structure.
Public propertyComponentVectors
Gets a matrix whose columns contain the principal components. Also known as the Eigenvectors or loadings matrix.
Public propertyCumulativeProportions
The cumulative distribution of the components proportion role. Also known as the cumulative energy of the principal components.
Public propertyEigenvalues
Provides access to the Eigenvalues stored during the analysis.
Public propertyExplainedVariance
Gets or sets the amount of explained variance that should be generated by this model. This value will alter the NumberOfOutputs that can be generated by this model.
Public propertyMaximumNumberOfOutputs
Gets the maximum number of outputs (dimensionality of the output vectors) that can be generated by this model.
Public propertyMeans
Gets the column mean of the source data given at method construction.
Public propertyMethod
Gets or sets the method used by this analysis.
Public propertyNumberOfInputs
Gets the number of inputs accepted by the model.
(Inherited from TransformBaseTInput, TOutput.)
Public propertyNumberOfOutputs
Gets or sets the number of outputs (dimensionality of the output vectors) that should be generated by this model.
Public propertyOverwrite
Gets or sets whether calculations will be performed overwriting data in the original source matrix, using less memory.
Public propertyResult Obsolete.
Gets the resulting projection of the source data given on the creation of the analysis into the space spawned by principal components.
Public propertySingularValues
Provides access to the Singular Values stored during the analysis. If a covariance method is chosen, then it will contain an empty vector.
Public propertySource Obsolete.
Returns the original data supplied to the analysis.
Public propertyStandardDeviations
Gets the column standard deviations of the source data given at method construction.
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets a cancellation token that can be used to cancel the algorithm while it is running.
Public propertyWhiten
Gets or sets whether the transformation result should be whitened (have unit standard deviation) before it is returned.
See Also