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NelderMead Properties

The NelderMead type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCapacity
Gets the maximum number of variables that can be optimized by this instance. This is the initial value that has been passed to this class constructor at the time the algorithm was created.
Public propertyConvergence
Gets or sets multiple convergence options to determine when the optimization can terminate.
Public propertyDiameterTolerance
Gets or sets the by how much the simplex diameter |xl - xh| must be reduced before the algorithm can be terminated. Setting this value to a value higher than zero causes the algorithm to replace the standard Convergence criteria with this condition. Default is zero.
Public propertyDifference
The difference between the high and low function values of the last simplex in the previous call to the optimization function.
Public propertyFunction
Gets or sets the function to be optimized.
(Inherited from BaseOptimizationMethod.)
Public propertyLowerBounds
Gets the lower bounds that should be respected in this optimization problem. Default is to initialize this vector with NegativeInfinity.
Public propertyMaximumValue
Gets or sets the maximum value that the objective function could produce before the algorithm could be terminated as if the solution was good enough.
Public propertyNumberOfVariables
Gets or sets the number of variables (free parameters) in the optimization problem. This number can be decreased after the algorithm has been created so it can operate on subspaces.
(Overrides BaseOptimizationMethodNumberOfVariables.)
Public propertySolution
Gets the current solution found, the values of the parameters which optimizes the function.
(Inherited from BaseOptimizationMethod.)
Public propertyStatus
Public propertyStepSize
Gets the step sizes to be used by the optimization algorithm. Default is to initialize each with 1e-5.
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets a cancellation token that can be used to stop the learning algorithm while it is running.
(Inherited from BaseOptimizationMethod.)
Public propertyUpperBounds
Gets the upper bounds that should be respected in this optimization problem. Default is to initialize this vector with PositiveInfinity.
Public propertyValue
Gets the output of the function at the current Solution.
(Inherited from BaseOptimizationMethod.)
See Also