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LevenbergMarquardt Properties

The LevenbergMarquardt type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdjustment
Learning rate adjustment.
Public propertyBlocks
Gets or sets the number of blocks to divide the Jacobian matrix in the Hessian calculation to preserve memory. Default is 1.
Protected propertyConvergence
Gets or sets the convergence verification method.
(Inherited from BaseLeastSquaresMethod.)
Public propertyCurrentIteration
Gets the current iteration number.
(Inherited from BaseLeastSquaresMethod.)
Public propertyFunction
Gets or sets a parameterized model function mapping input vectors into output values, whose optimum parameters must be found.
(Inherited from BaseLeastSquaresMethod.)
Public propertyGradient
Gets or sets a function that computes the gradient vector in respect to the function parameters, given a set of input and output values.
(Inherited from BaseLeastSquaresMethod.)
Public propertyHasConverged
Gets whether the algorithm has converged.
(Inherited from BaseLeastSquaresMethod.)
Public propertyHessian
Gets the approximate Hessian matrix of second derivatives generated in the last algorithm iteration. The Hessian is stored in the upper triangular part of this matrix. See remarks for details.
Public propertyIterations Obsolete.
Please use MaxIterations instead.
(Inherited from BaseLeastSquaresMethod.)
Public propertyLearningRate
Levenberg's damping factor, also known as lambda.
Public propertyMaxIterations
Gets or sets the maximum number of iterations performed by the iterative algorithm. Default is 100.
(Inherited from BaseLeastSquaresMethod.)
Public propertyNumberOfParameters
Gets the number of variables (free parameters) in the optimization problem.
(Inherited from BaseLeastSquaresMethod.)
Public propertyNumberOfVariables Obsolete.
Gets the number of variables (free parameters) in the optimization problem.
(Inherited from BaseLeastSquaresMethod.)
Public propertyParallelOptions
Gets or sets the parallelization options for this algorithm.
(Inherited from ParallelLearningBase.)
Public propertySolution
Gets the solution found, the values of the parameters which optimizes the function, in a least squares sense.
(Inherited from BaseLeastSquaresMethod.)
Public propertyStandardErrors
Gets standard error for each parameter in the solution.
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets a cancellation token that can be used to cancel the algorithm while it is running.
(Inherited from ParallelLearningBase.)
Public propertyTolerance
Gets or sets the maximum relative change in the watched value after an iteration of the algorithm used to detect convergence. Default is zero.
(Inherited from BaseLeastSquaresMethod.)
Public propertyValue
Gets the value at the solution found. This should be the minimum value found for the objective function.
(Inherited from BaseLeastSquaresMethod.)
See Also