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JaggedCholeskyDecompositionF Properties

The JaggedCholeskyDecompositionF type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDeterminant
Gets the determinant of the decomposed matrix.
Public propertyDiagonal
Gets the one-dimensional array of diagonal elements in a LDLt decomposition.
Public propertyDiagonalMatrix
Gets the block diagonal matrix of diagonal elements in a LDLt decomposition.
Public propertyIsPositiveDefinite
Gets whether the decomposed matrix was positive definite.
Public propertyIsUndefined
Gets a value indicating whether the LDLt factorization has been computed successfully or if it is undefined.
Public propertyLeftTriangularFactor
Gets the left (lower) triangular factor L so that A = L * D * L'.
Public propertyLogDeterminant
If the matrix is positive-definite, gets the log-determinant of the decomposed matrix.
Public propertyNonsingular
Gets a value indicating whether the decomposed matrix is non-singular (i.e. invertible).
See Also