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GeneralConvergence Properties

The GeneralConvergence type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAbsoluteFunctionTolerance
Gets or sets the absolute function tolerance that should be used as convergence criteria. This tracks the absolute amount that the function output changes after two consecutive iterations. Setting this value to zero disables those checks. Default is 0.
Public propertyAbsoluteParameterTolerance
Gets or sets the absolute parameter tolerance that should be used as convergence criteria. This tracks the absolute amount that the model parameters changes after two consecutive iterations. Setting this value to zero disables those checks. Default is 0.
Public propertyCancel
Gets or sets whether the algorithm should be forced to terminate. Default is false.
Public propertyEvaluations
Gets or sets the number of function evaluations performed by the optimization algorithm.
Public propertyMaximumEvaluations
Gets or sets the maximum number of function evaluations to be used as convergence criteria. This tracks how many times the function to be optimized has been called, and stops the algorithm when the number of times specified in this property has been reached. Setting this value to zero disables this check. Default is 0.
Public propertyMaximumTime
Gets or sets the maximum amount of time that an optimization algorithm is allowed to run. This property must be set together with StartTime in order to function correctly. Setting this value to Zero disables this check. Default is Zero.
Public propertyNumberOfVariables
Gets or sets the number of variables in the problem.
Public propertyRelativeFunctionTolerance
Gets or sets the relative function tolerance that should be used as convergence criteria. This tracks the relative amount that the function output changes after two consecutive iterations. Setting this value to zero disables those checks. Default is 0.
Public propertyRelativeParameterTolerance
Gets or sets the relative parameter tolerance that should be used as convergence criteria. This tracks the relative amount that the model parameters changes after two consecutive iterations. Setting this value to zero disables those checks. Default is 0.
Public propertyStartTime
Gets or sets the time when the algorithm started running. When time will be tracked with the MaximumTime property, this property must also be set to a correct value.
See Also