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KModes Properties

The KModes type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClusters
Gets the clusters found by K-modes.
(Inherited from KModesT.)
Public propertyComputeError
Gets or sets whether the clustering distortion error (the average distance between all data points and the cluster centroids) should be computed at the end of the algorithm. The result will be stored in Error. Default is true.
(Inherited from KModesT.)
Public propertyDimension
Gets the dimensionality of the data space.
(Inherited from KModesT.)
Public propertyDistance
Gets or sets the distance function used as a distance metric between data points.
(Inherited from KModesT.)
Public propertyError
Gets the cluster distortion error (the average distance between data points and the cluster centroids) after the last call to this class' Compute methods.
(Inherited from KModesT.)
Public propertyInitialization
Gets or sets the strategy used to initialize the centroids of the clustering algorithm. Default is KMeansPlusPlus.
(Inherited from KModesT.)
Public propertyIterations
Gets the number of iterations performed in the last call to this class' Compute methods.
(Inherited from KModesT.)
Public propertyK
Gets the number of clusters.
(Inherited from KModesT.)
Public propertyMaxIterations
Gets or sets the maximum number of iterations to be performed by the method. If set to zero, no iteration limit will be imposed. Default is 0.
(Inherited from KModesT.)
Public propertyParallelOptions
Gets or sets the parallelization options for this algorithm.
(Inherited from ParallelLearningBase.)
Public propertyToken
Gets or sets a cancellation token that can be used to cancel the algorithm while it is running.
(Inherited from ParallelLearningBase.)
Public propertyTolerance
Gets or sets the relative convergence threshold for stopping the algorithm. Default is 1e-5.
(Inherited from KModesT.)
See Also