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NaiveBayes Properties

The NaiveBayes type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClassCount Obsolete.
Gets the number of possible output classes.
Public propertyDistributions
Gets the probability distributions for each class and input.
Public propertyInputCount Obsolete.
Gets the number of inputs in the model.
Public propertyNumberOfClasses
Gets the number of classes expected and recognized by the classifier.
(Inherited from ClassifierBaseTInput, TClasses.)
Public propertyNumberOfInputs
Gets the number of inputs accepted by the model.
(Inherited from TransformBaseTInput, TOutput.)
Public propertyNumberOfOutputs
Gets the number of outputs generated by the model.
(Inherited from TransformBaseTInput, TOutput.)
Public propertyNumberOfSymbols
Gets the number of symbols for each input in the model.
Public propertyPriors
Gets the prior beliefs for each class.
(Inherited from BayesTDistribution, TInput.)
Public propertySymbolCount Obsolete.
Gets the number of symbols for each input in the model.
See Also