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BagOfWordsStatistics Properties

The BagOfWordsStatistics type exposes the following members.

Public propertyNumberOfDescriptorsTaken
Gets or sets the number of descriptors actually used in the learning of the BagOfWords.
Public propertyNumberOfDescriptorsTakenPerInstance
Gets or sets the count distribution of the descriptors actually used in the learning of the BagOfWords.
Public propertyNumberOfDescriptorsTakenPerInstanceRange
Gets or sets the minimum and maximum number of descriptors per instance actually used in the learning of the BagOfWords.
Public propertyNumberOfInstancesTaken
Gets or sets the number of instances (i.e. images or audio signals) actually used in the learning of the BagOfWords.
Public propertyTotalNumberOfDescriptors
Gets or sets the total number of descriptors seen in the training set.
Public propertyTotalNumberOfDescriptorsPerInstance
Gets or sets the count distribution of the descriptors seen in the training set.
Public propertyTotalNumberOfDescriptorsPerInstanceRange
Gets or sets the minimum and maximum number of descriptors per instance seen in the training set.
Public propertyTotalNumberOfInstances
Gets or sets the number of instances (i.e. images or audio signals) in the training set.
See Also