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CentralMoments Properties

The CentralMoments type exposes the following members.

Public propertyMu00
Central moment of order (0,0).
Public propertyMu01
Central moment of order (0,1).
Public propertyMu02
Central moment of order (0,2).
Public propertyMu03
Central moment of order (0,3).
Public propertyMu10
Central moment of order (1,0).
Public propertyMu11
Central moment of order (1,1).
Public propertyMu12
Central moment of order (1,2).
Public propertyMu20
Central moment of order (2,0).
Public propertyMu21
Central moment of order (2,1).
Public propertyMu30
Central moment of order (3,0).
Public propertyOrder
Gets or sets the maximum order of the moments.
(Inherited from MomentsBase.)
See Also