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ImageStatistics Properties

The ImageStatistics type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBlue
Histogram of blue channel.
Public propertyBlueWithoutBlack
Histogram of blue channel excluding black pixels
Public propertyGray
Histogram of gray channel.
Public propertyGrayWithoutBlack
Histogram of gray channel channel excluding black pixels.
Public propertyGreen
Histogram of green channel.
Public propertyGreenWithoutBlack
Histogram of green channel excluding black pixels.
Public propertyIsGrayscale
Value wich specifies if the processed image was color or grayscale.
Public propertyPixelsCount
Total pixels count in the processed image.
Public propertyPixelsCountWithoutBlack
Total pixels count in the processed image excluding black pixels.
Public propertyRed
Histogram of red channel.
Public propertyRedWithoutBlack
Histogram of red channel excluding black pixels.
See Also