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HarrisCornersDetector Properties

The HarrisCornersDetector type exposes the following members.

Public propertyK
Harris parameter k. Default value is 0.04.
Public propertyMeasure
Gets or sets the measure to use when detecting corners.
Public propertyNumberOfInputs
Returns -1.
(Inherited from BaseFeatureExtractorTFeature.)
Public propertyNumberOfOutputs
Gets the dimensionality of the features generated by this extractor.
(Inherited from BaseFeatureExtractorTFeature.)
Public propertySigma
Gaussian smoothing sigma. Default value is 1.2.
Public propertySupportedFormats
Gets the list of image pixel formats that are supported by this extractor. The extractor will check whether the pixel format of any provided images are in this list to determine whether the image can be processed or not.
(Inherited from BaseFeatureExtractorTFeature.)
Public propertySuppression
Non-maximum suppression window radius. Default value is 3.
Public propertyThreshold
Harris threshold. Default value is 20000.
See Also