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WisconsinPrognosticBreastCancer Properties

The WisconsinPrognosticBreastCancer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClassLabels
Gets the class labels associated with each instance in Wisconsin's Breast Cancer dataset.
Public propertyClassNames
Gets the outcome labels in Wiscosin's Prognostic Breast Cancer dataset: "Recurring" (cancer has re-orcurred during observation period), "Nonrecurring" (disease-free during observation period).
Public propertyFeatures
Gets the data instance features contained in Wisconsin's Breast Cancer dataset.
Public propertyInstanceIds
Gets identifiers for each of the instances contained in Wisconsin's Breast Cancer dataset.
Public propertyOutcome
Gets the outcome for each of the data instances in the dataset. The outcomes can be either 0 (Recurring) or 1 (Non-recurring) depending on what happened at the time instants stored in Time.
Public propertyTime
Gets the time until a possible Outcome has been detected. If the outcome has been ruled as recurring (0), it means that the cancer reocurred after the given number of days after the initial treatment performed for this patient. If the outcome is marker as non-recurring (1), it means the cancer has not been observed until the given number of days marked in this array.
Public propertyVariableNames
Gets the variable names in Wisconsin's Breast Cancer dataset: "radius" (mean of distances from center to points on the perimeter), "texture" (standard deviation of gray-scale values), "perimeter", "area", "smoothness" (local variation in radius lengths), "compactness" (perimeter^2 / area - 1.0), "concavity" (severity of concave portions of the contour), "concave points" (number of concave portions of the contour), "symmetry", "fractal dimension" ("coastline approximation" - 1)
See Also