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WisconsinOriginalBreastCancer Properties

The WisconsinOriginalBreastCancer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClassLabels
Gets the class labels associated with each instance in Wisconsin's Breast Cancer dataset.
Public propertyClassNames
Gets the class labels in Wisconsin's (Original) Breast Cancer dataset: "Benign", "Malignant".
Public propertyFeatures
Gets the data instances contained in Wisconsin's Breast Cancer dataset.
Public propertyInstanceIds
Gets identifiers for each of the instances contained in Wisconsin's Breast Cancer dataset.
Public propertyVariableNames
Gets the variable names in Wisconsin's Breast Cancer dataset: "Sample code number", "Clump Thickness", "Uniformity of Cell Size", "Uniformity of Cell Shape", "Marginal Adhesion", "Single Epithelial Cell Size", "Bare Nuclei", "Bland Chromatin", "Normal Nucleoli", "Mitoses".
See Also