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WaveEncoder Properties

The WaveEncoder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAverageBitsPerSecond
Gets the average bits per second of the underlying Wave stream.
Public propertyBitsPerSample
Gets the bits per sample of the underlying Wave stream.
Public propertyBytes
Gets the total number of bytes written by this Wave encoder.
Public propertyChannels
Gets the number of channels of the active Wave stream.
Public propertyDuration
Gets the total time span duration (in milliseconds) written by this encoder.
Public propertyFormat
Gets the sample format used by the encoder.
Public propertyFrames
Gets the total number of frames written by this Wave encoder.
Public propertySampleRate
Gets the sample rate of the underlying Wave stream.
Public propertySamples
Gets the total number of samples written by this Wave encoder.
Public propertyStream
Gets the underlying Wave stream.
See Also