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MultinomialLogisticRegressionLogLikelihood Method

Overload List
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to its most plausible class.
(Inherited from MulticlassLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vectors belongs to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MulticlassLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput, Int32)
Predicts a class label vector for the given input vector, returning the log-likelihood that the input vector belongs to its predicted class.
(Inherited from MulticlassLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
LogLikelihood(TInput, Int32)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput, Double)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vectors belongs to each of the possible classes.
(Inherited from MulticlassLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput, Int32)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Inherited from MulticlassLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput, Int32)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Inherited from MulticlassLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput, Int32)
Predicts a class label for each input vector, returning the log-likelihood that each vector belongs to its predicted class.
(Inherited from MulticlassLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
LogLikelihood(TInput, Int32)
Public methodLogLikelihood(Double, Int32)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Overrides MulticlassLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInputLogLikelihood(TInput, Int32).)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput, Int32, Double)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Inherited from MulticlassLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput, Int32, Double)
Computes the log-likelihood that the given input vector belongs to the specified classIndex.
(Inherited from MulticlassLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
Public methodLogLikelihood(TInput, Int32, Double)
Predicts a class label for each input vector, returning the log-likelihood that each vector belongs to its predicted class.
(Inherited from MulticlassLikelihoodClassifierBaseTInput.)
LogLikelihood(TInput, Int32, Double)
See Also