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IDistribution Methods

The IDistribution type exposes the following members.

Public methodClone
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from ICloneable.)
Public methodComplementaryDistributionFunction
Gets the complementary cumulative distribution function (ccdf) for this distribution evaluated at point x. This function is also known as the Survival function.
Public methodDistributionFunction
Gets the cumulative distribution function (cdf) for this distribution evaluated at point x.
Public methodFit(Array)
Fits the underlying distribution to a given set of observations.
Public methodFit(Array, IFittingOptions)
Fits the underlying distribution to a given set of observations.
Public methodFit(Array, Double)
Fits the underlying distribution to a given set of observations.
Public methodFit(Array, Int32)
Fits the underlying distribution to a given set of observations.
Public methodFit(Array, Double, IFittingOptions)
Fits the underlying distribution to a given set of observations.
Public methodFit(Array, Int32, IFittingOptions)
Fits the underlying distribution to a given set of observations.
Public methodLogProbabilityFunction
Gets the log-probability density function (pdf) for this distribution evaluated at point x.
Public methodProbabilityFunction
Gets the probability density function (pdf) for this distribution evaluated at point x.
See Also