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HiddenMarkovModel< TDistribution, TObservation> . Evaluate Method (TObservation[] )

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Calculates the likelihood that this model has generated the given sequence.

Namespace:  Accord.Statistics.Models.Markov
Assembly:  Accord.Statistics (in Accord.Statistics.dll) Version: 3.8.0
[ObsoleteAttribute("Please set Algorithm to Forward and call LogLikelihood() instead.")]
public double Evaluate(
	TObservation[] observations
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A sequence of observations.

Return Value

Type: Double
The log-likelihood that the given sequence has been generated by this model.
Evaluation problem. Given the HMM M = (A, B, pi) and the observation sequence O = {o1, o2, ..., oK}, calculate the probability that model M has generated sequence O. This can be computed efficiently using the either the Viterbi or the Forward algorithms.
See Also